


新加坡佛教总会创于 1949年, 是个促进本地佛教团体与佛教徒遵守佛制、实践佛陀精神、弘扬佛法提倡文化教育,从事社会福利工作的会所(更多。。。


八关斋申请表格  Ba Guan Zhai application form 

中英文佛学班申请表格 Chinese /English Dharma class application form

https://forms.gle/mJG7SYP95APQHEHDA registration form

佛总编写的各类标准作业程序  Various SOPs Prepared by SBF

  1. 购买不动产与委任信托人     ( 61 pages)
    Acquisition of immovable property and appointment of trustees
  2. 更换不动产信托人      (44 pages) 
    Change of trustees for immovable property
  3. 向社团注册局提交常年呈报   (23 pages) 
    Submission of annual return to ROS
  4. 上慈善网站作各类呈报与申请   (42 pages) 
    Submissions and applications via the Charity Portal (CP)
  5. 修改章程    (21 pages) 
    Amendment of rules
  6. 向社团注册局与慈善署呈报的各类法定呈报一览表   (4 pages)  A list of various statutory returns to ROS and CP

Notes of Code of Governance Sharing Session with Temples on 31 July 2017

Lease Renewal for Places of Worship