Marine Parade Maha Bodhi Student Care Centre

Write-Up on Marine Parade Maha Bodhi Student Care Centre
A Community Service Division of the Singapore Buddhist Federation

1.  The origin

Marine Parade Maha Bodhi Student Care Centre (the Centre) is a community service Division of the Singapore Buddhist Federation (the Federation) established with the assistance from the South East Community Development Council (CDC) since 1999. The Federation is a registered society since 1949 and a registered charity since 2 Apr 1990.

The Federation has under its management 4 educational institutions as follow:

a.Maha Bodhi School (MBS)
A government-aided primary school with SAP status, established in 1949.

b.Manjusri Secondary School
A government-aided secondary school, established in 1982.

c.Prince Siddhattha Child Care Centre, established in 1995 with the assistance from the      South West CDC.

d.Marine Parade Maha Bodhi Student Care Centre, established in 1999.

2          Commencement of operations

The Centre started its operations in January 1999 when it took in students (P1 to
P6) mainly from MBS.
The Centre provides before and after school care service to the students whose
both parents are working as MBS has been operating 2 sessions since its
establishment in 1949.

Due to this close proximity to MBS, in fact just across the road, the Centre has had
received almost 100% of the students under its care from MBS. Over the years,
thus, there exists good synergy and co-operation between MBS and the Centre.

3          Full-single session and the school- based student care centre
MBS will turn single session in January 2018 upon completion of its PERI
Upgrading project. The school has been working closely with MOE for the
Implementation of full single session, including setting up of a school-based
Student Care Centre.

4          Our track records
Our track records with the then Ministry of Community, Youth & Sports
(MCYS), now known as Ministry of Social & Family Services (MSF) has been
consistently good.

In fact due to overwhelming response from the students of Maha Bodhi School,
The Centre has been taking in more than approved quota of pupils with the
approval from MSF for the past few years, in most cases, to meet the urgent
and unforeseen demands of the parents.

The Centre has been providing students with fetching to and fro Maha Bodhi
School services to ensure their safety and to ensure that students
finish up their school homework before they head for home.

We also conduct parent teacher meeting to facilitate good communications
between parents and the Centre.

Our enrollment for the last 3 years (as at 31 Dec of the year) are as follows:-

Year Morning Afternoon Total
2015 21 55 76
2016 27 59 86
2017 (as at Sep 2017 46 45 91